RLA News & Views

How we win Right to Repair in 2022

The Repair Association

October 25, 2021

Right to Repair 2022

We wish this wasn’t the case but raising money for the right to repair battle is one of the biggest ways we can battle manufacturer lobbyists - and raising it early is vital so that our campaign can have the resources we need when it matters most.

It's likely 2022 or bust for the Right to Repair legislation to pass! We need your help now!!!

In 2021, we saw legislation pass in a State Senate for the first time. The FTC concluded a 2-year report that basically said that OEM rebuttals of Right to Repair were baseless. The Biden Administration recently handed down an Executive Order encouraging the FTC and agencies to oppose OEM monopolies in support of the Right to Repair.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah explained the issues and the movement in a great segment: "The Right to Repair Movement - If you don't know, now you know."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA7hZDfQDws

But, Right to Repair is not law.

With the progress we've made in 2021, the time is now and 2022 may be the only chance to pass legislation.

But, Apple, John Deere, and others are spending millions on powerful lobbyists.

So, let's get back to why “We need your help now!

We are conducting a $500,000 fundraising drive to make the Right to Repair a permanent win! We will take donations of $1 at a time if necessary.

If we don’t protect your right to repair, manufacturers will take total control and the idea of ownership will be all but dead. What’s more, tens of thousands of small businesses will be at risk if we don’t defend them.

By donating to our Right to Repair 2022 fund, you’ll be investing early in lobbying efforts in New York, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Maryland, California, Washington, Missouri, Georgia, and maybe more. Places where reaching legislators will help make the difference in our ability to win in 2022.

Time is of the essence.

Please donate today!

Donate for 2022: https://www.gofundme.com/f/2022-fundraising-drive