Nate Omann

Reverse Logistics


Hello - I have been with Best Buy for 20 years in roles within Marketing, Services, Operations and Supply Chain.  Currently, I am part of the Reverse Supply Chain focusing on focusing on Returns & Expense reduction.  There is always expense to be removed with deeper insights and innovation with process. My team and I are look to partner with our vendors to improve product and customer experiences. Returns are costly! Consistently working with multiple teams at Best Buy to bring awareness and overall impact to profitability. Customers are at the center of what we do - returns are an indicator of so many things within the purchasing and ultimately the product experience. Being innovative with new sales concepts, policies and customer solutions is the focal point of what we do.  


7601 Penn Ave. So.
United States
Committee Role Start End
Consumer Products Committee Member 4/18/2017 10/18/2022