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Publisher: Rich Bulger
Published Date: 2024

Going Circular: The Evolution of Reverse Logistics into a Competitive Weapon
Explore the transformative power of reverse logistics in 'Going Circular: The Evolution of Reverse Logistics into a Competitive Weapon' by Rich Bulger.
This book explores concept of how reverse logistics is transforming from being a “necessary evil” into a dynamic driver of profitable growth and sustainability. In Going Circular: The Evolution of Reverse Logistics into a Competitive Weapon, Rich Bulger redefines reverse logistics and presents it as a crucial component for boosting revenue, enhancing customer experience, and supporting the circular economy. Comprising seven chapters and three “reUse” case studies, Going Circular is a must-read for professionals that are looking to integrate reverse logistics into their evolving business strategies. By using this insightful guide to integrate reverse logistics into sales, marketing, and customer retention, Going Circular will help businesses on their path to both sustainable transformation and increased profitability.